
About Us

Solutions | Action | Implementation
Maximize Results | Minimize the Spend|Eliminate Redundancy

MM Dealer Advocates – an Automotive Advocacy ensuring that your digital capabilites are optimized and tech stack integrations are seamless and redundancies are eliminated.  Our team ensure that organic search is optimized to lessen dependency on paid media spend and User Experience is an integral part of your digital process to ensure optimum customer experience.  After spending many years in the corporative world of Automotive Marketing creating high dollar digital and marketing strategies for automotive clients yet never seeing true attribution or proven results, we dedicated to ensuring your ROI thru data science & strategy, vendor accountability, organic lead generation & UX optimization.    At the same time, MM Dealer Advocates knows that many digital tools are being used within a dealership that often results in a chaotic ecosystem of redundancy.    By ensuring that all digital efforts and capabilities are being maximized, organic lead generation is on blast and redundancies are eliminated, we help our dealers streamline processes and save money.  As your partner, we hold vendors accountable so that you can be sure you are getting what was promised during the oh so magical vendor presentation.   AND best of all – we take the hassle of dealing with vendors off of YOUR plate.   As opposed to just ‘talking’ about how to do so, WE do the work, WE implement the plan, and WE set our auto dealer clients up for success.

  • Optimize your local search results
  • Optimize for voice search/schema
  • Optimize User Experience on your website
  • Analyze 3rd party spend attribution
  • Eliminate Digital Redundancies
  • Optimize Elead Source reporting
  • Analyze your PPC spend
  • Social Media Marketing Optimization
  • Lean Process Management of Digital Tools
  • and much more!
Maximize Results|Minimize Spend
Taking the burden off your plate, and making sure you get what you are paying for!

“Our teams are up to date with the latest automotive technologies, digital trends & best practices for organic lead generation & UX. We truly enjoy being Advocates for our automotive clients!”

-Marcy Medinger / CEO and Founder

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